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DC Comics Problem With Reboots | UTC Podcast 237

DC Comics Problem With Reboots | UTC Podcast 237

In this week’s packed episode, The boys discuss if DC’s constant reboots has caused damage to the DC Universe from a fan and story perspective. The Crisis on Infinite Earths was a Multiversal catastrophe that resulted in the destruction of countless parallel universes, and the recreation of a single positive matter universe (and an antimatter universe) at the dawn of time.Crisis on Infinite Earths is a 1985 to 1986 American comic book crossover series published by DC Comics. Written by Marv Wolfman and pencilled by George Pérez, it was first released as a 12-issue limited series from April 1985 to March 1986.

Discussed in this episode
1. DC’s history of reboots
2. If these reboots did harm or helped the brand
3. How to do a reboot right.


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