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We Are The Avengers/ Second Best Superhero Team (Under Two Capes Episode 81)

Knights of Madalore

Orbital Drop Shock Podcast

We Are The Avengers/ Second Best Superhero Team (Under Two Capes Episode 81)

Since the MCU is rebuilding the Avengers, the boys discuss the premier Marvel team that has been the focus of the Marvel comics and movies since 2012. Also, we now have an email address for the channel. Shoot us an email to request topics, comment on recent episodes, or ask any other pop-culture. question you may have.

All Things Starwars

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Episode 6: Thor

In this week's episode, Jared enters the Marvel universe to discuss Tony Stark/Iron Man. Jared addresses storylines such as Civil...

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Marvel & DC

Shang-Chi Is So Dope!!!!!Shang-Chi Spoiler-Free Review (Under Two Capes Episode 80)

Knights of Madalore

Orbital Drop Shock Podcast

Shang-Chi Is So Dope!!!!!Shang-Chi Spoiler-Free Review (Under Two Capes Episode 80)

Since the MCU is rebuilding the Avengers, the boys discuss the premier Marvel team that has been the focus of the Marvel comics and movies since 2012. Also, we now have an email address for the channel. Shoot us an email to request topics, comment on recent episodes, or ask any other pop-culture.

All Things Starwars

Check Out Our Other Episodes

Marvel & DC

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We Are The Avengers/ Second Best Superhero Team (Under Two Capes Episode 81)

We Are The Avengers/ Second Best Superhero Team (Under Two Capes Episode 81)

Since the MCU is rebuilding the Avengers, the boys discuss the premier Marvel team that has been the focus of the Marvel comics and movies since 2012. Also, we now have an email address for the channel. Shoot us an email to request topics, comment on recent episodes, or ask any other pop-culture.