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The Teen Titans Debut/ Justice League Vs. Teen Titans Discussion | Comics League Movie Night

Knights of Madalore

Orbital Drop Shock Podcast

The Teen Titans Debut/ Justice League Vs. Teen Titans Discussion | Comics League Movie Night

This week, the boys review Justice League VS Teen Titans, aka the first appearance of the Teen Titans into the DCAMU and the continuation of the relationship between Superman and Wonder Woman. They discuss the plot, what makes this movie so great, themes, how it informs the characters of the Teen Titans team, and more. JL v TT is one of the most badass DC animated project in the canon and is a fantastic Damien Wayne story and a depiction of SuperWonder. What do you think? Is this animated move amazing? What is your favorite part? Who is your favorite character? How accurate is this to the Teen Titans Comics?

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