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The Superman Movie Saga That Saved Comic Book Movies | UTC Podcast 185

Knights of Madalore

Orbital Drop Shock Podcast

The Superman Movie Saga That Saved Comic Book Movies | UTC Podcast 185

This week, the boys discuss the Christoper Reeve Superman saga, aka the movie series that not only brought Superman into the mainstream, but also paved the way for modern comic book movies that fans enjoy today! They discuss each movie, the good, the bad, and more to indicate what made this series so iconic and beloved. No one can dispute the effect the Reeve Superman movies had on the movie and Superman landscape as it’s success is the reason why there is a comic book movie genre. What do you think? Did you enjoy this series of films? Which movie is your favorite? Do you like Reeve as Superman? Like, comment, and subscribe for more analyses of superhero movies and their effect on the zeitgeist.


#DC #Superman #ChristopherReeve #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #ReleaseTheAyerCut

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