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The Problem With James Gunn's DCU

Knights of Madalore

Orbital Drop Shock Podcast

The Problem With James Gunn's DCU

This week, Jared outlines why he does not have much confidence for James Gunn’s DC Universe, particularly the Superman Suit. He discuss the previews, Gunn’s comments on social media, and the overall vibe of Superman’s Suit to indicate why Gunn may not be the savior of DC that some paint him to be.


Discussed in this episode

1. James Gunn’s Being All Talk

2. How James Gunn’s Superman Suit is too Armored

3. Why The DCU Marketing Is Horrible

4. How Gunn turned Superman into the MCU Version of Superman


What do you think? Do you like/hate the new Superman suit? Are you confident about James Gunn’s DCU?


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#DC #JamesGunn #Superman #ZackSnyder

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