Comicstorian Interview! | Comics League Interviews

In this special live edition of Comics League, Jared welcomes fellow comic book YouTuber Comicstorian to discuss how he got started on YouTube, their favorite comics, the current directions of the MCU and DCU, content creation, and more!

What Zack Snyder Got Right. . . And Wrong About DC | UTC Podcast 211

Zack Snyder has created some of the most iconic DC films of all time. Man Of Steel, Batman VS Superman Dawn Of Justice, and Zack Snyder’s Justice League stand as some of the best modernizations of the iconic characters of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the rest of the Justice League. But is the SnyderVerse as perfect as they say? This week, Jared and Nick outlines what Zack Snyder did well with the DC characters and some areas where he could have used some improvement.

A SuperWonder Time Line | SuperWonder Legacy Episode 3

In this episode of SuperWonder Legacy, Jared and Britt outline their favorite moments from the publication history of the SuperWonder pairing to demonstrate the historical precedent of the pairing, going all the way back to the 1960’s and beyond.

SuperWonder: Toxic War Stories | Super Wonder Legacy Episode 2

In this episode of SuperWonder Legacy, Jared and Britt tell war stories about facing toxicity from portions of the Clois and Wonderbat communities, why the paring is consistent with their characters, and how to promote more positivity in the DC fanbase

SuperWonder: Why We Love It | Super Wonder Legacy Episode 1

In this special premier episode of SuperWonder Legacy, Jared and Britt outline why they support SuperWonder, why DC editorial is struggling with the comic book purist fanbase, why Zack Snyder and the New 52 were great for the DC brand, and more!