Episode 29: The DCEU/A Mix of Good and Bad

In today’s character study, Jared discusses the Spider-Man villain turned anti-hero Venom. The Symbiot’s origin, lore, and media portrayal are examined as well as the Venom movie.
Episode 26: The Batman Who Shoots Arrows?

Today, the boys discuss the arrowverse and their controversial takes on classic characters. They also talk about the Snyder Cut.
Episode 25: Superman Kisses Who?

In today’s character study, Jared discusses the Spider-Man villain turned anti-hero Venom. The Symbiot’s origin, lore, and media portrayal are examined as well as the Venom movie.
Episode 24: DC Future State And Marvel’s Justice League

In this episode, the boys discuss DC’s recently announced Future State event and talk about Marvel’s version of the Justice League: The Squadron Supreme.
Episode 21: The Bear Has A Mini Gun!

In today’s character study, Jared discusses the Spider-Man villain turned anti-hero Venom. The Symbiot’s origin, lore, and media portrayal are examined as well as the Venom movie.
Episode 20: (DC Lore 1) Lanterns’ Light

In the premiere episode of our DC 101 series (where we delve into the lore rich components of comics), the boys discuss the Lantern mythos established by Goeff Johns. We recap the entire run and discuss key Lanterns throughout the DCU.
Episode 18: DC Fandom Part 2 And Story Recommendations

In this DC-centered episode, the boys discuss DC Fandom Part 2 and all of the interesting news from the event. Additionally, Jared provides comics recommendations for new readers.
Episode 16: Wakanda Forever!

n today’s episode, the boys pay tribute to Chadwick Boseman and dedicate the episode to Black Panther. They talk about the Chadwick’s career, the Black Panther comics, and the MCU portrayal of this important hero. Rest in Peace, our king.
Episode 15: Venom

In today’s character study, Jared discusses the Spider-Man villain turned anti-hero Venom. The Symbiot’s origin, lore, and media portrayal are examined as well as the Venom movie.
Episode 6: Thor

In this week’s episode, Jared enters the Marvel universe to discuss Tony Stark/Iron Man. Jared addresses storylines such as Civil War, Civil War II, and Secret Empire as well as his portrayal in the MCU.