Marvel & DC

Spoiler!!!! Dr. Strange Multiverse Of Madness Was Pretty Good and Bad at The Same Time

Knights of Madalore

Orbital Drop Shock Podcast

Spoiler!!!! Dr. Strange Multiverse Of Madness Was Pretty Good and Bad at The Same Time


This week, Jared Reviews Dr. Strange Multiverse Of Madness as he discusses the good, the bad, and the meh. He discusses the great action and Sam Raimi horror elements, the wasting of the Illumenati, and the forcing of America Chavez. Now, this was not a horrible movie, by any means. It was not the best #MCU movie as well, but is was very enjoyable. This was definitely a fun movie full of easter eggs for the hardcore Marvel fan, particularly the line-up of the Illuminati (HE WAS IN THE ILLUMINATI?).

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