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Michael Turner's Fathom Tower Records Review | Indie Wednesday

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Michael Turner's Fathom Tower Records Review | Indie Wednesday


This week, Jared Reviews Michael Turner’s Fathom: Tower Records Edition. This book features appearances from Sara Pezzini Witchblade and Laura Croft Tomb Raider as the trio come under attack by undersea dwellers hell-bent on the destruction of the surface world.

Michael Turner was, by far, one of the best indie comic creator to have ever lived (RIP). Michel was expertly able to portray the female form, particularly in action. He did all this while battling cancer. All in all, he was an inspirational creative who has created and drawn some of the most iconic characters in comics.

What is your favorite Michael Turner book? What is your favorite character he has drawn? What indie comic do you want to see featured?

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