Marvel & DC

Dear Halo Series, Stop Trying To Make Kwan A Thing | Halo Episode 7: Inheritance Review

Knights of Madalore

Orbital Drop Shock Podcast

Dear Halo Series, Stop Trying To Make Kwan A Thing | Halo Episode 7: Inheritance Review


This week, Jared begrudgingly reviews Halo Episode 7: Inheritance aka, the Kwan episode. We all knew it would happen eventually. He discusses the highs, the many lows, the most badass action moments, and the interesting Halo references made in the episodes redeeming action moments. Let’s be clear. I still don’t think the show is terrible. It just needs more Chief, action, and a threat from the Covenant. It so far has lacked in those three points. It’s also needs less Kwan (she is dragging the show down). If the show can accomplish these four recommendations, Season 2 can be greatly aided (I do believe they will take respectful criticism to heart). So stay civil and respectful in the discourse around this show

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