Spider-Man Leads The Avengers! (Under Two Capes Episode 97)

This week, the boys cover the awesome storyline Spider-Man Ends Of The Earth where Spider-Man, leading the Avengers, goes to war against Doctor Octopus.
Why Spider-Man is Awesome! (Under Two Capes Episode 96)

Happy holidays, everyone!
This week, the boys discuss what makes Spider-Man such a great character. They talk about his comics, movies, games, etc.
Spider-Man: No Way Home Spoiler Review! (Under Two Capes Episode 95)

This week, the boys review Spider-Man: No Way Home. So much fan-service! Apologies for the technical issues.
The Comics League DCEU and MCU (UTC Episode 94)

This week, the boys discuss the Spider- Man: Into The Spider-Verse movie, which stands as the greatest Spider-Man movie of all time!
The Best Spider-Man Movie Of All Time/ Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse(Under Two Capes Episode 93)

This week, the boys discuss the Spider- Man: Into The Spider-Verse movie, which stands as the greatest Spider-Man movie of all time!
Zack Snyder’s Final Crisis! (Under Two Capes Episode 92)

This week, the boys discuss the storyline Final Crisis in light of Zack Snyder’s lates cryptic Vero post.
We Have A Website! (Under Two Capes Episode 91)

This week, the boys reveal the official Comics League website. In it, you can find links to all of our shows as well as ways to contact us!
SuperWonder Fanfiction Stories Are Better Than Official DC Stories?! (Under Two Capes Episode 90)

This week, the boys discuss fan-made stories portraying Superman and Wonder Woman’s relationship. These stories are better than what DC does.
Wonder Woman Loses Superman! (Under Two Capes Episode 89)

This week, the boys conclude their coverage of the Superman/Wonder Woman series with volume 5: Savage End and The Final Days Of Superman.
Superman and Wonder Woman Break Up? (Under Two Capes Episode 88)

This week, the boys discuss the Spiderman leak and the fourth volume Superman/Wonder Woman: Dark Truth.