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Casting a KOTOR Movie/ Mandalorian Episode 5 Spoiler Review/De-canonizing the Sequel Trilogy

Knights of Madalore

Orbital Drop Shock Podcast

Casting a KOTOR Movie/ Mandalorian Episode 5 Spoiler Review/De-canonizing the Sequel Trilogy

This week, the boys discuss episode 5 of the Mandalorian Season 3 entitled The Pirate, aka the episode that finally places the Mandalorians in a war movie, complete with badass tactics and action beats. They break down the plot, characters, strengths, weaknesses, and more as they begin covering the most recent season. The boys also outline how they would fancast a KOTOR 1 and 2 movie/series and add in the DC actors into the mix and detail how to de-canonize the Disney Sequel trilogy. The pirate was one of the best Mandalorian episodes to date, complete with killer action, character arc fulfillment, and more evidence of why the Mandalorians are the feared warriors they are.

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