In this week's packed episode, the boys compare the Absolute DC Universe to the Ultimate Marvel Universe. Absolute Wonder Woman...
Read MoreIn the multiverse, there exists a world where Batman and Green Arrow return to Gotham city at the same time as the acolytes of an ancient evil bent on taking over all reality: Cthulhu of Lovecraft lore! Familiar characters such as Etrigan, Talia, Dick Grayson, and Cassandra Cain are featured in this elseworlds tale, but greatly changed by the circumstances of this world. This film is a straight-up a panel to screen adaptation of one of the most unique Batman Elseworlds stories of all time! What do you think? Is this movie amazing? What is your favorite part? Who is your favorite character?
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In this week's packed episode, the boys compare the Absolute DC Universe to the Ultimate Marvel Universe. Absolute Wonder Woman...
Read MoreWelcome to the Comics League playthrough of Lego Batman 3! Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is a 2014 Lego-themed action-adventure...
Read MoreThis week, Jared and Nick discuss the Superman The Animated Series arc "Mxyzpixilated." A clever imp named Mxyzptlk comes from...
Read MoreIn this week's packed episode, Jared and Brit discuss the similarities that Superman and Wonder Woman share with the Wakandan...
Read MoreThis week, Jared discusses which Superman characters should show up in future Absolute Superman issues! Without the fortress... without the...
Read MoreThis week, Jared discusses which Superman characters should show up in future Absolute Superman issues! Without the fortress... without the...
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